
Basisschool Prinses Juliana
d’Oultremontstraat 19, 1040 Brussel
Tel. 02 733 86 16


Nora Herbal en Annemieke Ooteman
Tel. 02 733 86 16


ma, di, do, vr 8.30 – 15.15 uur
wo 8.30 – 12.15 uur


Basisschool Prinses Juliana
d’Oultremontstraat 19, 1040 Brussel
Tel. 02 733 86 16


ma, di, do, vr 8.30 – 15.15 uur
wo 8.30 – 12.15 uur

Creative Explorers English

Discover! Invent! Absorb!

Experience authentic Language where Learning and Creativity come to play!

Embark upon an unforgettable Artistic adventure filled with fun, innovation, action, and investigation.

Introduce English language: Build language skills where vocabulary and useful phrases are woven into every activity.

Foster curiosity, independent thinking and build confidence: Active learning that encourages children to take part and explore new ideas through music, movement, dramatic play, interactive storytelling, board games, song and dance and Picture Books.

Creative inspiration: Young explorers make connections with the world and discover key Artists, artistic styles, other cultures & traditions, different media and creative design.

Craft skills and techniques: Hands-on art projects that inspire imagination through painting, drawing, printmaking, collage, mixed media, textiles, ceramics, materials and technology, photography and 3D modelling.

A session typically follows a theme with a combination of artistic, practical and language based tasks. Children are active and involved; confidence is nurtured, self-expression is boosted, and appreciation of art, design and culture is possible.

SallyAnn is a Visual Arts Teacher and founder of Artsmagoo Education @artsmaak. A strong Global perspective inspired by a combination of international and local context; cultural appreciation underpins her method of instruction. Multicultural Education specialist: SallyAnn has worked extensively with Children and Teens in Melbourne, Singapore, Paris-Hossegor, London and Brussels. Artsmagoo Education @artsmaak: Implements specially designed encounters combining Art, Language and Culture.

Any questions, please send an email to SallyAnn, Artsmagoo Education:  

Where: Step 6/7

When: thursdays, startdate 16 january

For whom: Step 5/6/7/7+

By whom: SallyAnn(Artsmagoo Education)

How many students: Min 5, max 12

Cost:  € 150 (includes materials)

Let op: deze lessen starten 1 week later op 16 januari, er is geen les op 24 april. Vanwege Dag van de arbeid en OLH weekend vallen er ook 2 lessen ook uit. De prijs is hierop aangepast. Mocht u op 9 januari of 29 april opvang nodig hebben, dan zijn de kosten daarom voor uw rekening.

Schrijf je in voor
Creative Explorers English